PART 1 : Evoke change
PART 2 : Evolve into the best version of you
PART 3 : Transform your life!
Venue: Dubai Polo and Equestrian Club
This full day event will have you fully step into your personal leadership in every area of your life. Through powerful visualisations, numerous skills and tools, and in-depth exploration you will find out where you are today, what is holding you back, where you want to be and how to get there!
Package included:
3 Tea and coffee breaks with refreshing snacks
1 International buffé lunch
Price: $ 299
For enquiries please contact me
at [email protected]
or +971 52 9221762
Let's transform your
8:30 – 9:00
(mingle and coffee)
9:00 – 10:30
In this session you will get an understanding of how your state of mind impacts all the areas of your life. You will learn new tools on how to put yourself in peak performance state every single day.
10:30 – 11:00
Break with Q&A
11:00 – 12:30 > EVOKE
What do you want? One of the reasons people feel lost in their life is because they do not have a clear vision of what they want in every area of their life. In this part of the workshop you get to design the ultimate vision for your life through a closed eye process. Knowing what you want is the first step in creating the life you have always wanted. You will leave this session with goals and outcomes for all the areas of your life.
12:30 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00 > EVOLVE
Now that you have a clear vision, what are the roadblocks that stand in your way? In this part of the workshop you will be able to identify how you sabotage for yourself daily and how toxic your self talk is. Learn how to clear all the roadblocks and change limiting beliefs into empowering statements so that you are in charge of your thought process. You will find out why you sabotage relationship, why you are broke and why you procrastinate. You will also learn how to have unbelievable relationships with others and yourself.
15:00 – 15:30
Break with Q&A
15:30 – 17:00 > TRANSFORM
This is the final part of the day and in this section we will clear your limiting beliefs through another closed eye process. Then you get to learn how to create powerful success rituals. You will leave this session with a bag full of new habits and routines that you can apply directly into your life to assist you when motivation and inspiration fails. You are a product of what you choose to focus on and your habits!